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PentagonA corners only pentagonal prism with 2 layers. Specifically designed for its cuteness.
Pentagon puzzleA puzzle inspired by the famous building of the DoD in Washington DC.
Pentagonal 3x3x5A fully functional pentagonal prism with five layers.

Pentagonal Dipyramid SkewbA skewb in the namegiving shape.
Pentagonal DominoA two-layer pentagonal prism with 5 rectangular faces.
Pentagonal HexecontahedronA skewb in shape of the namegiving solid which is a catalan solid.

Pentagonal Mirror SkewbA Skewb in shape of a pentagonal prism, the bumped variant.
Pentagonal Prism (4 Layers)A pentagonal prism with 4 layers in height.
Pentagonal Prism 2x2x2A 2x2x2 in shape of a pentagonal prism.

Pentagonal Prism 3x3x3A 3x3x3 transformed into the shape of a pentagonal prism.
Pentagonal Pyramid 3x3x3 (Sharp Edges 1000010882040)A 3x3x3 truncated on six edges and afterwards extended. The result is a pyramid with pentagonal base.
Pentagonal Pyramid SkewbAn Ultimate Skewb with 6 sides "deleted".

Pentagonal QuadrangleA two-layered prism with 72°-turns at the four arms.
Pentagonal Trapezohedron 2x2x2 A dodecahedral 2x2x2 with two faces deleted.
Pentagonal Trapezohedron 3x3x3 (Sharp Edges 205180628100)A 3x3x3 truncated on ten edges and afterwards extended. The result has the shape of a pentagonal trapezohedron.

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